DENTAL ABSCESS Greetings to all my readers and viewers.. This time presenting with yet another staggering weblog giving an idea about THE EXTREME GUM(GINGIVA) INFECTION AND OTHER SUPPORTING STRUCTURES INVOLVEMENT CALLED AS DENTAL ABSCESS. CLOSE VIEW OF THE DENTAL ABSCESS:-(CLINICAL VIEW). Do let’s understand the DENTAL ABSCESS . DENTAL ABSCESS IS THE COLLECTION OF THE PUS UNDERNEATH THE TOOTH (ADJOINING STRUCTURES)OR THE GUMS(GINGIVA). ONSET OF INFECTION-COMMENSURATES AS A untreated decay(caries),injury(sports injury/fall),leak from old dental work.(artificial removable/permanent prosthesis-crowns/removable dentures /fillings/rct /ill-fitting prosthesis etc.),cracked teeth/broken/fractured teeth etc. BASIC SHOW-UP OF THE NORMAL AND ABSCESSED TOOTH : Dental abscess starts as in STAGES: STAGES CAN BE DIVIDED AS BELOW:- ...