POLYPS IN DENTISTRY PULP POLYP GINGIVAL POLYP A big Hello to all of you!! I am back with a striking blog that will make you aware of the outcome owing to the overgrowth of the soft tissue structures like pulp(innermost layer of the tooth)and gums(gingiva) becoming troublesome gradually. Let’s be curious to know about the POLYPS DEVELOPING OWING TO MECHANICAL AND BACTERIAL INVASION OF THE PULP AND GINGIVA CAUSING CHRONIC HYPERPLASTIC PULPITIS AND CHRONIC HYPERPLASTIC GINGIVITIS RESPECTIVELY, WHICH IS PRODUCTIVE (MEANS GROWING). PULP POLYP AND GINGIVAL POLYP:- TIME TO EXPLORE THE PULP POLYP:- PULP POLYP: Expresses..as tingling and sharp pain on eating hot and cold foods beyond regular tooth sensitivity termed as HYPERPLASTIC PULPITIS. It is due to excessive...